Sunday, August 14, 2011

Inspiring little people

Yesterday, there was a company picnic at Oyster bay. A lot of people came with their families. My bosses brought their four adorable daughters.

A great example of people who live in the moment are children. They are fully 100% present in the moment. They are free of worries and fear. Since their imaginations are not fenced in by fear of past pain and failure like grownups, they are most creative.That's why Picasso said "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up." Another amazing thing about children is that they are so curious and excited about all things surrounded them. The world is so new and exciting for them and they are so eager to know about it.

I love hanging out with children. Their full of spirit, joy and energy are contagious. And they are very bold and capable. Since children and I have mutual fondness for each other, my friends think that I'll be a great mother. But I love kids not because I want to be a mother but because I greatly enjoy and admire them. I approach them as a friend not as a grownup who tells them what to do, and who is condescending to them. I treat them with respect. I remember being a kid once myself who wanted to be friends with grownups and wanted the grownups to take me seriously.

A lot of grownups wish to be children once again because they remember having so much fun as a kid. But most of the time I think grownups are not having fun like kids not because they are grownups and have got a lot of responsibilities, but because they are so much tied up with memories of pains, failures, and worries. Actually, I think being a grownup is a wonderful thing. It's just a matter of how you apply your past experience and memories to live fully in the present. Being a grownup is learning how to avoid making the same mistake twice based on past experience. I tried, I failed, I learned,I tried again, I got it and move on!

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