Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Emotional Freedom

Most of the time, we seek freedom as in the state of being unrestrained from external restrictions and limitations. But we often neglect to free ourselves from our own emotional restraints such as fear, desire and anger.

I grew up as a Buddhist so I often try to understand why I feel how I feel. I found it so much easier to set myself free if I understand better why I'm feeling those emotions. Because once you know why, you often realize it's unnecessary.

Here is why. :) Recently, I just realized that the key to escape from all those emotional restraints is to not limit and fence in myself emotionally. For example, I have a strong desire to go to Six Flags (never been there 4 years in east coast!); I'm worried that it'll rain in the weekend I can go; then I get so angry with my friend who cancels to go in the last minute. You see it happens because I limit myself that I have to go to Six Flags this particular week with this specific friend. That's why I get so angry and frustrated. But then I ended up going to Coney Island with my best friend and had so much fun! If you really stop, think about it and ask yourself if it's Six Flags this weekend with that friend of yours is the ONLY thing that will make you happy? The answer is always NO.

Well, it's not just about Six Flags vs. Coney Island- even the bigger things in our life such as our life goals. But the main problem is that whenever we limit ourselves and are emotionally invested, we don't believe that there are PLENTY other options, opportunities and possibilities in our life that can make us EQUALLY happy or even HAPPIER. I always ask my girl friends who are upset about the guys - "Are you really SURE he is the ONLY man in the world above human kind who can make you happy?"

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