Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Milestone reached thru diplomacy and honesty

One of my obsessions or motivations in life is seeing the progress and growth of various things I'm involved - anything from swimming 40 laps to my personal relationships with others. Each time I swim, I like to see myself adding additional laps. So is with friendship - I like to see it grow. This same obsession is also my weakness. When I don't see things progress or progression is very slow, I give up easily.

Human nature, as we all know, is not perfect. That's why there are always issues in dealing with other people. It gets worse when people get closer. It seems like the older I get, the more I see people being afraid of getting close to other people. They somehow keep the distance. Just before my ex committed a relationship with me, he said it feels really vulnerable to open up and be close to someone else. That's why it seems that relationships/friendships do not progress much as we grow older. Both sides are afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt, and also hurting some other person.

As with everything else, I don't like any form of unreasonable restrictions. In human relations, truth telling is very liberating! However, raw honesty can ruin the relationships/friendships unless any one of the two doesn’t have enough trust in the friendship. The same time, I believe that honesty is very important if you really want to have any kind of relationship to progress. Hiding what you really think about others either because you are afraid that they won’t like you or afraid to ruin so called ‘friendly terms’. To me personally, I’d rather have true honest friendships instead of sugar-coated fake ones that I need to pretend or hold the truth, at least with those I care about.

Recently, I had pretty big fights/arguments with one of my best friends. There were some of the things that had been bothering me but I somehow held those because I wasn’t comfortable enough in telling those for several reasons. But when things got piled up inside me, I started throwing those. It was not nice at all in the beginning. Worst thing was still instead of telling the truth, we were just trying to hurt each other verbally. When it got ugly, she was the FIRST one who seek to reconcile by saying that ‘you are important to me so hope we can pass these issues.’ There I also realized that she’s important to me too and didn’t want to hurt her. We were not against each other side. So I told her the truth – things that had been bothering me. I tired to not be accusing her instead explained what things made me think of those assumptions I had. But still things I told her was very rough. I don’t think any one else could take it unless they really really trust in the friendship and me personally.

She not only took it well; she explained to me ‘point by point’ – topic by topic on those. I was so impressed. I could probably never handle something like that as I’m never really diplomatic when it comes to conflicts. Instead, I’m very confrontational and don’t try to understand the other side to make my arguments more effective. I learned a lot of things from this instance and from her – how I should approach conflicts by being mature and open enough to understand the other side and how I could improve myself on the things I’m still uncertain about.

Mostly importantly, I’m very grateful that I have got such a great friend who really trusts in our friendship and trusts in me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Understanding the attraction

I really get frustrated when I ask someone why they like someone and the answer is ' I don't know- I just FEEL it." There is always a reason to make you feel it. I think most people don't seem to understand WHY they feel what they feel. I don't always either but I at least try to understand why I feel how I feel. It also often seems to be acceptable that feelings and reasons are independent things and there is no causal relation.

There are always external and internal factors that cause you sadness, happiness, pain, anger, jealousy etc. Understanding emotions even get more complicated when one or more people get involved. I think if people understand more about what kind of people they are attracted, they will know what exactly they want in their partners and consequently there will not be many failed relationships and divorces. Getting to know someone is a long process.

That I'm super busy and don't have time for anything serious doesn't stop me having crush on people here and there. Recently, I'm having a crush on someone I thought I would never be attractive. After observing some great things in him such as intelligence, humor, kindness/attentiveness, being social and zest for life, I started seeing him from a different light. I looked at him and found him very attractive and want to get to know him more.

You do not like someone for no reason. There are certain things that make you interested in someone. After being interested, there is still a long process of getting to know the person, opening up to each other till you fall in love.

Thoughts about V-day

So it's V-day....Personally and honestly, I really don't care about any particular days including my own birthday. It's really not the end of the world if someone doesn't remember my birthday because I don't remember a lot of people's birthday including my best friends.

But I still like to celebrate things occasionally :) Well the thing with V-day is too much fed up with all the commercials. It's pretty much a HUGE opportunity for business to make $$. Well they kind of CREATE that tradition to celebrate it.

Personally I think two lovers can celebrate the day that's meaningful for both of them like anniversary or something. It doesn't have to be 'V-day'. It seems like people are doing it because everyone is doing it! And there is a lot of pressure for guys. I think if you have to pressure someone to do something, it's just not fun anymore. I'm not saying all these because I'm single at the moment. I never made a big deal about it when I was in a relationship also.

But if two lovers really want to have fun and good times without any external pressure and expensive gifts, Happy Valentine's to all those :)

Sleepless in New York City

When I was little, my mom tried to get me to take a nap during the day or sleep during the night. She said I would be running around refusing to sleep and then when I ran out of energy, I just crashed at anywhere.

Once I got back NY, as usual, there have been so much going on!
1. my final semester began! ( had some hiccups and dramas in the first week.)
2. still have to get up every day at before 7 am to go to work
3. a lot of birthday parties and gatherings and catch-ups with my friends
4. restaurant week

Yes, as usual, I'm sleep deprived again. I always choose something else over sleep. I still have so many things I want to do and I just don't find myself enough time to do all those. I still got blamed by my best friend for not having enough time for her.

But what can I do? I really really am so happy with all those things I'm doing; school, work, my friends. I'm usually so stubborn so I'm not willing to give up any of those. I'm always up to do something fun with friends and sometimes I say yes too soon before I realize my schedule really allows me to do so....But what I really need now is to better manage my time....and also need some quality time just for myself alone...