Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Multiplying Positive Habits

"We first make our habits, then our habits make us.'' - John Dryden

I've loved meats and never thought about becoming a vegetarian. I used to get annoyed when eating out with vegetarians or friends who eat meat to the minimum.

Last year June, I went to a ten day meditation retreat that only served vegetarian meals. I was also told that the reason behind is to support our wholesome actions with wholesome habits during that period. Surprisingly, I was completely fine and enjoyed every meal. I was even happy that not eating meats helps keeping some animals from suffering.

After I came out from that retreat, I continued not eating meats until I moved back home. Once I got back, there was food that I'd been missing and couldn't resist meats in it. So I went back to my normal habit just eating whatever that's available.

Recently, my brother talked about interest in becoming a vegetarian after his conversation with a friend. So we started discussing about 'factory farming', googling those pictures of factory farming, watching a documentary 'farm to fridge', and learning about the book Eating Animals. Not to mention helping the environment. (Animals raised for food eat enough grain to feed the world.) He went as far as doing a photography project about meat markets and meat industry here. I accompanied him when he went to meat markets and slaughterhouses. It really was horrifying to see animals' sufferings and how they are treated as commodities.

I decided to try becoming a vegetarian. I said 'try' because I really am not sure how long I can keep up with this. I know myself how many times I have failed doing something I thought I "should''.

I will still eat meats if I get too agitated not eating or it'll be a burden for others to make vegetarian food/meal for me.

Since I decided to stop eating meats, I have paid more attention to my eating habit. I try to eat more nutritiously adding more vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains etc. Since I've been eating healthy, I wanted to add exercise to my routine.

I feel really great and positive doing exercise for a month. Then, I wanted to get up early to exercise. Morning run or workout has been lovely- I love seeing the sunrise, hearing the birds signing and breathing the fresh air. I've picked up a habit of making healthy breakfast that energizes and prepares me to begin the day.

Since I'm up early, I usually have extra time so I spend time reading a real book (not browsing internet) over a cup of coffee. I still have extra time so I meditate for half hour, which really clears my mind. I've got all these things done before I start working at 9 am.

I normally need 6-7 hours of sleep. To rise early at 6:30, I go to bed early around 10:30 with my kindle so I can read an hour before I fall asleep. (I stopped the habit of bringing the computer to my bed browsing the internet.)

It's been so wonderful to begin and end the day. With all these great habits influencing each other, it'll be hard to quit being a vegetarian. Even if I did give into my temptation, it'll be a good reminder that my morality is not that strong...

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