Monday, September 24, 2012

New Wisdoms

As usual, I'm always entertained with thoughts of growth and learning. It's always so amazing to learn new things in life that are very valuable to my own personal growth.

1. "NO REASONABLE" talk in relationships/friendships

Often, we argue/disagree with people who are really close to us, those we love and care about. It happens a lot to me. I always want to "WIN" the argument and I would give you 'thousands' of reasons why I'M RIGHT! But, the other side will be also arguing with me why they are right. Most of the times, it's very frustrating and sometimes, emotionally exhausting for both sides. I do not like it at all. I talked to my little brother about it. He told me that you can't do the 'reason' talk in relationships/friendships. It just doesn't work. People are very different and each person's sensibility and reasons are so different and personal. He said the best is to just understand the other person has a point and agree with that person. He said it's not important at all that you are right or whether it's fair or not if you really care about the other person.

2. Faith in abundance in life

Basically, this faith comes from optimism. Believing that even 'losing' something is NOT the END of the WORLD because there will be other things or other opportunities in life. I do have so much faith in abundance in life. But, I learned about myself that there are some areas I still need to work on having that same faith I have in other areas. The other day, I was telling RT, my best friend, that I'm not quite there yet with my life where I want to be. Then, he told me that 'you are just limiting yourself in just those certain areas and not being fair to yourself.' He's so right about it. Sometimes, we see very 'specific' things and forget about all other things we learned/accomplished/achieved. However, that doesn't mean that all these abundance will come to my way without me doing anything. I believe so much in ACTION and putting 100% effort in reaching my goals and making my dreams come true. I also take pride in hard work as much as I love leisure :)

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