Sunday, September 30, 2012

"ONE" True Love?

I haven't seen movies for quite a long time. I got rid of my TV because NY has occupied me so much more than anything else. Finally, I wanted to see a 'good' romantic movie but also wanted to make sure it's not same cliche that I've seen it several times. I did my research and came across "Before Sunrise''. I love it!

Before Sunrise

The movie itself doesn't have much of a story. It portrays the two strangers randomly met on the train in Europe while traveling, and the one night they spent together in Vienna. So, they both consider this is probably only one time they would be together so they are completely in the moment and honest in their interactions with each other. They talk about their beliefs and doubts in life and love, their childhood experience etc.

What I really like is how it seems to be quite realistic in portraying the connection of the two people. It's not like ''they just fall in love at first sight and be all over each other and spend the most amazing romantic time together in Vienna''. It shows the development of their connection gradually through their conversations.

Before Sunset

I didn't expect much from the sequel because the sequel normally sucks. But it turned out to be pretty good. Nine years later, they met again in Paris. It shows how their views about life and love matured with time.  It's quite amazing that they are still the same persons but they seem to become more practical not so fanciful and hopeful about life 9 years ago. In fact, people are pretty much the same since they were born. Then throughout our life, we learn from our life experience, moments in life and other external knowledge.

"We are the sum of all the moments of our lives" said Jesse in the beginning of the movie. It's quite true. The moments we experience in our lifetime defines who we are, what we believe and why we do certain things in certain ways. That's why I really think that every human being is so complex that it's really hard to put one person in "ONE" category.

Celine in Before Sunrise said "if there is any kind of magic in this world, it must be in an attempt of understanding someone and sharing something." Both movies are of course about how life could be almost empty and meaningless without this one person you are truly connected with and in love with. And also it portrays how it's amazing to be with that one person even if it is 'one night' or 'one afternoon'. That 'one' true love matter, I'm not really comfortable believing it. Like most people, I do want to believe in 'true love' but I do not want to believe in life being miserable without ''ONE" person.

 People are normally very friendly when they are traveling. They want to talk to you and, most of the time, they have no shield because they believe that they are not gonna see you again. I think if people are honest and 100% in the moment in an amazing place, they can truly connect. Maybe not with everyone...

I'm much of a dreamer myself but still quite cynical about love. I encountered some amazing awesome strangers while I was traveling :) I did have amazing moments with each of them. I was of course in the moment and very open to them. But, I did not fall in love with anyone. Instead, I'm just in love with life itself...

Oh and I love the song "Come here" :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Take me to the next destination!!!

I know I know but I really can't help thinking of traveling again after seeing this amazing pinterest board -
Nature, Places and Cities

So MANY beautiful places in the world I am dreaming of exploring, seeing, feeling, experiencing....Is it too unrealistic to hope for the world being a borderless place for everyone in my lifetime? wishful thinking....

Monday, September 24, 2012

New Wisdoms

As usual, I'm always entertained with thoughts of growth and learning. It's always so amazing to learn new things in life that are very valuable to my own personal growth.

1. "NO REASONABLE" talk in relationships/friendships

Often, we argue/disagree with people who are really close to us, those we love and care about. It happens a lot to me. I always want to "WIN" the argument and I would give you 'thousands' of reasons why I'M RIGHT! But, the other side will be also arguing with me why they are right. Most of the times, it's very frustrating and sometimes, emotionally exhausting for both sides. I do not like it at all. I talked to my little brother about it. He told me that you can't do the 'reason' talk in relationships/friendships. It just doesn't work. People are very different and each person's sensibility and reasons are so different and personal. He said the best is to just understand the other person has a point and agree with that person. He said it's not important at all that you are right or whether it's fair or not if you really care about the other person.

2. Faith in abundance in life

Basically, this faith comes from optimism. Believing that even 'losing' something is NOT the END of the WORLD because there will be other things or other opportunities in life. I do have so much faith in abundance in life. But, I learned about myself that there are some areas I still need to work on having that same faith I have in other areas. The other day, I was telling RT, my best friend, that I'm not quite there yet with my life where I want to be. Then, he told me that 'you are just limiting yourself in just those certain areas and not being fair to yourself.' He's so right about it. Sometimes, we see very 'specific' things and forget about all other things we learned/accomplished/achieved. However, that doesn't mean that all these abundance will come to my way without me doing anything. I believe so much in ACTION and putting 100% effort in reaching my goals and making my dreams come true. I also take pride in hard work as much as I love leisure :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Awesome Weekend-Getaway in Caribbean!

"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer". That's my inspiration now that I'm broke from all the traveling this year :)
Home, Myanmar in January
Grand Canyon, LA, Vegas in April
Costa Rica, August
Puerto Rico, end of Aug
( I decided to cancel the trip to CO in Oct :(....due to financial constraint)

Some of my friends are telling me that I'm living a dream life. Some think I must have a lot of money but not true at all. If you can dream about it, you can make it happen right? Well I'm not the person who cares about big fat bank account or mortgage loan. I'm one who cares about living life to the fullest in the moment :) And luckily, I have no debt, tuition loans and educational debt. I was pretty lucky to get full financial aid from the college I went. One day, when I'm rich, I'll be donating lots to Colorado College :)

A group of my girl friends had been talking about girls weekend getaway in Caribbean. So we finally made it happen and went to San Juan, Puerto Rico for the labor day weekend!

The house we rented was right off the beach. It was the beach that I have been dreaming/longing for a long time. A perfect Caribbean white-sand beach with amazing clear beautiful blue/green ocean, nicely shaded by palm trees!! Just exactly the way I wanted it :) The water was perfectly nice and warm!

First day, we just chilled on the beach and swam in the water. We then went for a delish Mexican lunch and cocktails nearby. Then a nice stroll along the beach and a siesta on the beach :)

It was supposed to be not too touristy season because of the weather. But, we were so lucky that it was all nice and sunny all three days we were there.

In the evening, we went out and did bar hopping in old San Juan. Old San Juan is a nice clean little town. There are some bars, restaurants, shops, hotels, hostels there. I heard that there was a hollywood film crew with Ben Afleck, Justin Timberlake and co were there then. A couple of my friends who arrived a day earlier saw them shooting :)

As usual, we made some new friends at bars :) I ended up talking to this tall French dude from southern France. He was super friendly and very gentleman, and really engaged in conversing with me. Oh by the way, I have been wanting to see a FULL MOON on the beach. Yes, everytime I went to a beach, the moon wasn't there. Luckily, the full moon was there that time!! I got super excited about it! So after bar hopping, I really really wanted to go to the beach under the moonlight. So all our new friends tagged along with us to our beach. We all hanged out on the beach. Then someone started jumping into the water :) Then another girl friend of mine, the French dude and I also jumped into the ocean. It was AMAZING!! We only came back when the security came and warned us about the current and sharks (I didn't believe it) to get out of water. But I got what I wanted! swimming in the ocean under the moonlight and starlight, and bonus, an interesting conversation with a great company! :)

Next day, I couldn't get up early of course. My other friends were SO SWEET to not wake us up. I felt quite guilty because I planned to make breakfast omelette for all of them before going to a picnic in the rain forest. I couldn't even help with preparing for the picnic :(

Picnic by the waterfall in the rain forest was such an awesome idea! Three of my favorite things in life- food, friends and nature :) all in one! The view during the drive to the rain forest was amazing too. I really enjoyed driving in the jungle of rain forest once more after Costa Rica.

Our beautiful picnic food thanks to those lovely ladies :)

I can never get enough of waterfalls!

We then went to a beach resort for more chilling, Jacuzzis and cocktails :)  Then we had some adventurous driving to see the bio bay! We thought we could just drive there and see the bio bay. We didn't know that we had to be in their guided tour to do that. So that was one glitch there. But probably it was for all good because it was around full moon so even if we went on guided tour, we wouldn't probably be able to see the bio bay. You can't have it ALL, can you?
The last day was tricky because we had to leave for the airport before 7p. I still wanted to go to another beach called Culebra but it was pretty far to get there. Plus, I unfortunately had to work remotely. So we just pretty much relaxed on the beach and went to old San Juan for lunch. The traffic in that little town during the day was really bad. It took us more than an hour to park. However, we had an amazing Puerto Rican meal :)
Yummy Pork Monfongo!

Shrimp dish, Fish tacos and pork monfongo

I had to come back to the house to work for a few hours. My friends hanged around old San Juan until before we took off for the airport.

It was a short but lovely weekend getaway :)