Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Priceless memories of Costa Rica tour

I know it sounds cliché but I LOVE traveling!! I grew up in a place where people hardly know anything about the world outside. After all kinds of obstacles, 9 years ago, I was able to manage to get out of my lovely but closed world, Burma. I was super excited about coming to U.S. for college in CO. I’ve been to 17 states in the U.S and only 6 countries in these past 9 years. Not anywhere close to how far and wide I want to travel due to all kinds of limitations I have but I know I will get there one day.

Back in March, my sweet college friend from Costa Rica emailed me that she was getting married in Aug. I RSVP right away I would go as I promised her 8 years ago back in college. Later, I asked one of my besties, MZ, with whom I just had an amazing trip to Grand Canyon, LA and Vegas! She instantly agreed to go with me.

I am so in love with NY for so many reasons but always nice to get away from a crazy busy life every now and then!  We were welcomed and picked up at the San Jose Airport by my sweet friend and her family. We had our first Costa Rican meal in San Jose with my friend and her then fiancé.

Two Days of Paradise in Montezuma

Next morning, my friend dropped us off at the bus station to Jaco beach. We decided to go there because it was closest to San Jose and we needed to be back for her wedding on Sat. At the bus station, I sensed a stare from this tall big blonde dude. I knew right away he wouldn’t be an American because people don’t stare here in U.S. In Europe, people stare each other strangely J

Right almost we arrived Jaco, I ended up chatting with that dude who was staring. He sounded quite friendly and speaks English perfectly. He’s from Germany and was on his way to Montezuma for surfing three weeks. According to him, that place sounded amazing- nice and quiet beach, less touristy with only surfers, yogis and hot hippies J, and surrounded by beautiful nature. When we saw Jaco beach, I wasn’t impressed at all. We had the hotel booked there but I wanted to go to Montezuma instead and change the whole plan. The dude said we could stay with him; that I wasn’t convinced. My next job was to convince Min to go together. She was quite skeptical and thought it was crazy J I was like ‘it’s fun to be spontaneous! And we’d be together and could take care of each other if anything.’ But I trusted my instincts that he was a good person.

So we finally decided to tag along with that German dude to Montezuma. It was already quite fun on the speedboat crossing the bay. I was so ready for spontaneous adventures! When we arrived, I wanted to look for a place to stay but we decided to go check out the place he’s going to stay. We found that place LOVELY and AMAZING! Right on the beach with beautiful lawns, palm trees, hammocks and facing beautiful rocky ocean! It was like in a dream but it was real J We decided to stay there.

Three of us spent amazing afternoon and evening together- lunch on the sunny beach lawn facing the ocean and stroll on the beach. We found a coconut on the beach! The German dude was quite persistent cracking that coconut. And quite amazingly, he peeled off the coconut with his own hands. He was very kind and fed us coconut piece by piece when we were playing in the water. As women, we tend to get suspicious whenever a man is too nice to us and wonder what we would have to give back. However, three of us had such an awesome rare instant chemistry and turned out a wonderful company of three. We liked that he was very funny, caring and charming, and had done a great deal of amazing adventures in his life. A little while later, M told me “you are CRAZY but thanks to your optimism and spontaneity, we are having a blast now”

We enjoyed the evening with wine and got high a bit and it was the FIRST time for the German J  Next morning, we had a lovely breakfast at the place. We went out to check out the waterfalls in the area. Neither of us were prepared for hiking in the slippery rain forest- we were wearing flip flops (we left the sneakers in SJ). Our German Knight in Dragon Tattoos was there to rescue two Asian damsels in distress.J It felt so safe to do whatever and go wherever with him. I have been almost fearless since a child but it still felt nice to be protected.
(Regarding tattoos, the German might have had a hard time convincing us to tag along with him if I saw those tattoos early on. It was covered with his long sleeve shirt fortunately. I know it’s superficial but going to a place we had no clue about in a foreign country with a big strange tattoo guy doesn’t sound quite a good idea) J

We climbed up the waterfall- yes even M did it! It was amazing!! I got so excited once I got to shower under the waterfall. Later, we went to dip in the small natural pool in front of the hotel right off from the ocean. That was lovely too. I dived into the water twice! I haven't done it for such a long time that I was afraid to do it. But it felt amazing after I did it. Later, we just had a very relaxing evening sipping wine sitting in the hammock and chitchatting.

Later at night, I got them go out to check out the night life in that small little town. There is this bar with a dancing floor with music playing. It was quite lively there. M and I got our NY party spirit and had quite fun dancing with Latino music. J By the way, I always am curious and love street foods. I had hotdogs from the street cart there and it was so yummy!! We came back and hanged out a little bit outside on the lawn and called it the day.

We left next morning with 6:30 am bus to make it on time for the wedding in San Jose. Both M and I agreed that we couldn't imagine anything better than those two days- beautiful place, perfect weather, lots of fun activities, enjoyable and relaxing the same time, and lots of laughters with a wonderful company. It was quite crazy and spontaneous. All I asked for was nice sunshine on the beach, and I'm quite grateful that I've got a lot more than what I asked for. Such a great memory that will always have a special place in my heart....

Costa Rican Wedding in San Jose

We arrived San Jose barely two hours before the wedding! Very glad that we made it. My friend's family is so nice- they are such very nice people. They truly were so happy to have us there and took such a good care of us. Although I personally still have little idea of how someone could know THE ONE for the rest of their life, I love wedding ceremonies - they are FUN! And my friend really seemed so happy and the man she married also seemed to really love her. So I'm really happy for both. But the whole wedding ceremony was in Spanish so M and I were both completely lost. We were the only two Asians there. At the reception, we were seated with all other couples who don't speak English. But, we did enjoy the dancing as always J and the food was great too.

La Fortuna Adventures

Next morning after the wedding, my friend's dad dropped us off at the bus station to La Fortuna. We were both excited for more adventures, waterfalls and volcano! After the break on the bus, M and I lost our seats together. I got a seat next to this Spanish guy from Barcelona. He started talking to me. I'm all about meeting new people and curious about them. So I was chatting with him for a while. He also wanted to hang out with us of course J But I didn't think that he would get along with us the way the German dude did. So I just disappeared on him once the bus arrived J.

The hotel we stayed, Arenal Lodge, was quite lovely. It was on top of a small mountain with amazing view of Arenal volcano from our hotel room! It was pretty fun to drive the twisted and steep uphill roads with manual shift!! M was pretty impressed that I know how to drive the manual shift :) 

First day we went horseback riding to La Fortuna waterfall! It was a beautiful ride out in the open amazing scenery of nature and volcano - my only complaint was that it was with a group of 30 ppl. My horse, Camela, and I had lots of fun. She wants to lead, knows what she wants to do and she likes to eat :)

M and I got into the water at the waterfall. It was amazing and very beautiful clear water. But we couldn't stay longer in the water. That's why I always avoid guided tours- you don't have the flexibility to do whatever you want to do. But that was the only guided tour we did. After that, we rented a car so that we have more flexibility.

Later, we went to Arenal volcano national park to hike up the lava trail. That was quite a nice little adventure of our own. We were the only two persons on that trail, which I like it so much better. I don't want to see many people when I'm out in the nature except for my own company. We almost got lost twice. The fact that it was just us and no GPS or cell phone connection got M scared a little bit. But for me, it's part of the fun of hiking in the woods/forests to figure out your way. She later told me that it feels quite safe to go with me because I don't get freaked out in those kinds of situations. :) 

Next day, we took the morning quite easy relaxing and took a short hike around the hotel. Oh by the way, the hotel buffet breakfast was quite amazing. Every morning, I had a big omelette, sausages, rice and beans, a pancake, fried plantains, tropical fruits and coffee- yes ALL of them at each breakfast :P 

I did the canopy tour in the afternoon- M was sweet enough to tag along with me although she's afraid of height to do that. I tried to get her do that too but she didn't do it. It was SO MUCH FUN- loved the thrill of the ride, the speed and amazing panoramic view of the mountains and forests! 

In our last day, we went for white water rafting! that was lots of fun too. It was private for just us and the two guides. They were pretty fun guys and they made the whole experience really fun for us. The view along the river was very beautiful as well.

M and I got us a couple of bottles of beer and snacks for us to enjoy the evening. We tried to make our own party by the bridge surrounded by an amazing view. But we couldn't handle the mosquitos out there. So we did our farewell party by the pool at the hotel. The sky was clear for the first time and we saw the stars!! It was such a beautiful night. It was quality time for M and me :) Well, all the times we spend together have been always quality.

It was pretty sad to leave. Most of the time, I know when to go home. But this time, I wasn't quite ready for that....It was the most AMAZING WONDERFUL trip to date for both of us :)

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