Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wishful Journey

I love being busy and keep myself busy. However, there is always a limit to everything. I'm at this point longing for a much needed escape from this crazy busy life. I really want to explore deep inside myself, which I always put behind because I thought it is right here. This desire to escape also came from recent thoughts about this crazy world full of hypocrisies.

Modern Imperialism

This recent re-reading of this article Why Do They Hate Us? provoked me a lot. When I read it a long time ago, I was too young or immature to care much. I had accepted all along that life was not perfect but I always thought human beings were getting better and we were not killing each other anymore. In fact, human beings are just becoming more vicious, manipulative and hypocritical. I just feel betrayed and fooled.

We are pretty much living in a world where the U.S. is dominating politically, economically and culturally through their foreign policies, trade polices, hollywood etc. Well, I understand that everyone is selfish and we all want to be the best. However, I'm against bettering ourselves in the expense of others who are less unfortunate and weak, which is bullying and inhumane.  And, worse, we have all seen the U.S. waging the wars all over the world in the name of humanity and patriotism. They tell the rest of the world- you shouldn't have these weapons; you shouldn't practice this policy because it's not safe for the rest of the world. With the inspiration of "Star Wars", we are the chosen ones so we have the responsibility to take care of the world. What bothers me so much is the hypocrisy, not everyone's desire to be powerful and the best.

I do not think the rest of the world who hate the U.S., their modern imperialism and hypocrisy are such great people either. They are all just resentful that it's not them having "the power''

It just seems so wrong that when you kill someone on the street, you are a murderer but when you kill thousands of people in the wars in the name of justice, patriotism, humanity, you claim yourself to be the chosen one who is taking care  of the world. I read this book called "Perpetual wars for perpetual peace" a long time ago. It's all about justifying all the wars the U.S. fought all over the world past century.  

The White Man's Burden

I read this book "The White Man's Burden" by William Esterly years ago. It's about why this "humanitarian" efforts of the West failed. To put it in the simplest way, the West efforts to give all the 'humanitarian' aids to all the poor countries around the world are just out of 'false benevolence'. Esterly explained that no one really cared about the progress of the unfortunates or eliminating the poverty; it's just the West project to feel good about themselves and to gain the humanitarian image. It's really shocking and sick. 

In reality, people who really care about helping the unfortunate ones getting out of the sickness and poverty do not really care about the image or any other benefits. Unfortunately, there aren't many who truly care.

So for us, the weak, poor and people of all colors, all we need to do is just to give ourselves best efforts to get out of the misery and to protect ourselves from being bullied, instead of hoping for some benevolent saviors.

I'm a dreamer who dreams of a utopia, the world with peace, harmony and love possesing a desirable perfection. It's quite frustrating to think of this imperfect world. It's even more frustrating that I cannot do much about it. However, there is "one thing'' I can do for sure. I can change myself. I can always try to know better and to become a better person. That's what I've always been aiming for and will always do.  That's why the next journey I want to go and explore is the deeper level of my own mind :)

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